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Scarred UNESCO World Heritage site Jiuzhaigou recovers after quake

TIME:2024-06-03 18:38:03 Source: Internet compilationEdit:politics

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This file photo taken in 2020 shows Pei Xiangjun and his team providing instructions on the usage of

This file photo taken in 2020 shows Pei Xiangjun and his team providing instructions on the usage of substrate soil for ecological restoration at the earthquake-hit area in Jiuzhaigou scenic area of southwest China's Sichuan Province. (Xinhua)

Jiuzhaigou National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage site famous for its spectacular waterfalls, lush forests and serene plateau lakes, was hit by a 7.0-magnitude quake on Aug. 8, 2017.

After the earthquake, a team led by professor Pei Xiangjun from Chengdu University of Technology carried out protection and restoration work of the natural heritage site. After years of post-quake reconstruction, the once scarred Jiuzhaigou has regained its glory.